
Java VS Kotlin

What is Java

Java is one of the most popular programming languages and 3 billion devices use Java.
Java is a programming language that had been released on the year 1995 by sun microsystems known now as Oracle, Java is a high-level programming language that its easy to read not like low-level programming languages like C and C++.

Java is object-oriented which means everything is presented as an object, and every object has Its characteristics and actions that distinguish it from others.

Uses of Java

Java is used in:

·        Android Applications

The first language that is used in Android Application development is java and Most of the applications that on android now use java

·        Desktop applications

There are a lot of tools in java that helps you to develop desktop apps like Java Swing, JavaFX and AWT

·        Web Applications (Backend development)

Java is one of the most famous programming languages that is used in backend development due to the popular framework Spring

·        Game Development

Java is not the best programming language that is used for game development as there is C++ and C# where this programming language are employed by game engines like Unreal Engine and Unity, but java can also be used in this field as there is useful libraries like OpenGL and LibGDX

What is Kotlin

The first appearance of kotlin was 2011 and JET BRAINS released it and in 2017 Google acquires Kotlin.

Before Google acquires Kotlin, Google every year used to pay Approximately 2 Billion – 5 Billion dollar to Oracle for the license of Java, The license of java was a problem for google not only because of the money but because also google want to develop the language and if google wants that it had to offer the idea of the new change or the development in the language to oracle and oracle may or may not agree and if oracle agrees google have to get in a lot of meetings with oracle before the idea of the new development on the language releases, So the acquiree of Kotlin will help google so much as it will not run into these problems with Oracle

In a short sentence, Kotlin is a developed language of Java as you can write a program in Kotlin that does the same things as a program written in Java.

 Pros of using Java

·        Java is simple and you can learn it easily

Java is one of the easiest languages to learn as it removes all the complex features of C and C++

·        Java Supports Object-oriented programming (OOB)

This is a big advantage to java because Methodical languages are complicated. The OOP Made Java easier to implement

·        Java Is Secured

Java is secure programming language because it’s not like C and C++ which Use pointers and pointers allow access to memory and this is a risk

·        Java Supports multi-threading

Multi-threading is one task that can be converted into various threads and each thread run separately

Cons of using Java

·        Java is Slow Language

Java Uses a lot of memory and Java is Slower than Languages like C and C++ this is due to the code having to be interpreted to binary code (Machine code)

·        Java Is Verbose

Verbose Means it has a lot of sentences and words that are difficult  to read

·        Java require high memory space

Java Have Problems In memory management

Pros of using Kotlin

·        Kotlin is 100% interoperable with the Java

That means you can use Kotlin and Java in the same project. You can add new features to your existing Java application in Kotlin

·        Kotlin Boosts Team Efficiency

One of the big advantages to Kotlin is that it have an easy syntax that you can read and developers can produce more work with Kotlin compared to Java as Kotlin code is 20% less than Java, As we said before one of the cons of Java is that it is verbose so Kotlin solved this problem

·        Kotlin is Light on Android

If you developed a small or simple android app you will notice that but if you developed a big application you will notice that the application is faster than if you developed it with java

Cons of using Kotlin

·        Limited community resources

Kotlin is a relatively new language, and Because of that, there may be fewer community resources and libraries available compared to more established languages like Java or Python.

·        Kotlin Is slow in Compilation

The Kotlin compiler can be slower than the Java compiler, which can result in longer build times for Kotlin projects.


The Cons of Java are less than its Pros that’s why many developers still use Java.

The Big support that had been given to Kotlin from google indicates that the future is for Kotlin, However its preferred and recommended to learn Java before Kotlin, especially if you are new to programming.

Once you have a solid foundation in Java, learning Kotlin will be easier because Kotlin is designed to be more concise and expressive than Java, and it builds on many of the concepts and syntax that you will already be familiar with from learning Java. In addition, Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java, so you can use the two languages together in the same project and even call Java code from Kotlin and vice versa.

However, if you are already familiar with another programming language and are comfortable with its concepts, you may be able to learn Kotlin without learning Java first. Ultimately, the decision of whether to learn Java before Kotlin depends on your individual learning style and goals. 

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